A license for music synchronization - or simply sync license - is a license that allows to sync music to any media productions. In many cases sync licenses are used for TV and films, but any kind of videorecording accompanied by a sound requires a sync license.

A sync license enables you to use a song to sync a video and you are allowed to re-record that song for use in your project. If you want to use a particular version of the song by a certain artist, you also need to have a master recording license. Mainly, you can get a sync license from a music publisher while the master recording license can only be made by a record label or owner of the master.

A sync license covers a limited period of time, and the usage of your song will be specified according to license. There is one fixed charge included in purchase of a sync license, and once the license is obtained, the song can be used as provided so many times while the license is valid as the license holder wants. That is to say, if you purchase a synchronization license and sync your song to a movie, you won't have to pay fee on every time sync, when the film is viewed..

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